


The 3rd Meisha Cup CYA Youth Sailing League—Shanghai Station will start tomorrow on the Dianshan Lake and the event will last for three days from 29th April to 1th May.The CYA(Chinese Yachting Association) will be the main sponsor and will alongside the Shanghai Sports Federation,Shanghai Qingpu Sports Breau,Shanghai Yacht Club and SYC Sports Management,SYC Youth Sports Club as the organizing authorities .We are also pleased to once again, have the full support from the Shanghai Qingpu Maritime Safety Administration.

青少年联赛-上海站创办于2015年,经过两年的沉淀和积累,此次赛事规模再创新高。在本次比赛中,共有来自全国各地19家俱乐部的168名青少年业余参赛选手。赛事共设OP、Topper、Byte CII三个组别,此次赛事的组别、参赛船只数量均创国内业余比赛之最。逐年壮大的参赛队伍见证了帆船这一充满智慧与挑战的运动项目在国内的迅猛发展。

The 3rd Meisha Cup CYA Youth Sailing League was found in 2015,the fleets are bigger this year with a record number of entries.168 youth sailors from 19 clubs all around the country will compete in the event.There will be three kind of sailboats used in the event which are OP,Topper and Byte Cll.The number of the participating groups and sailboats used in the event will be the highest in the domestic amateur sailboat competitions.The growing fleets witness the rapid developmemt of the sailing sport which is full of wisdom and challenge.


The event shows the characteristics of fusion,innovation and fashion of the sail sport which is full of competition,entertainment and other fantastic elements.It promtes the popularity of the sailing sport in Chinese young people and strengthens the communication during the sail clubs on the sail culture.The event also lays the foundation for the revival of Chinese maritime culture with it's improvement on quality.


The helder of the event-SYC has been committed to the dissemination of family sailing culture and "low-carbon sustainable, integrated into the natural" concept of environmental protection, and actively promotes the maritime culture in China's market. SYC makes a great effort on youth training during the 11 years.We have built up the completed system from primary training to professionalism.More than 20 thousends of young sailors have been trained in SYC.The SYC Nacra19 team won the success of the professional sailing competitions at home and abroad for example the Asia Sailing League Cup etc,and their good performance has became the new Chinese card in the international communication.The OP teams which are full of competition experiences and the new Topper team set up this year and the Byte Cll team made up of SYC's foreign members and new Chinese member_Feng Yin will represent SYC to compete in the event .All the SYC team members have got the systemic training in SYC.There is no doubt that they will achieve perfect results in this competition.

截至目前,小选手们已经全部集结完毕,赛事蓄势待发。四月扬帆淀山湖,让我们一起见证168位未来海洋接班人的飒爽英姿,分享帆船运动带来的激情与欢乐!届时上海淀山湖上将上演一轮轮精彩纷呈的竞赛,上百艘帆船在蔚蓝的淀山湖上扬帆起航,为大家带来一场帆船的视觉盛宴。在此,对给予本次赛事重大支持的Topper船厂、Byte Cll船厂、我爱航海网以及智烽体育等单位表示感谢!

The excellent event is going to start and until now all the sailors has checked in and prepared good for it. The Dianshan lake will be stadged a round of exciting competition ,hundreds of sailboats on the lake will bring us a spectacular feast .Let's share the passion of the sail sport together with the 168 sailors.At last ,we want to express our thanks to the Topper Shipyard ,Byte Cll Shipyard ,51hanghai.com and GSE,thank you for the great support.
