

2017427日上午,国际著名航海赛事——悉尼霍巴特帆船赛赛事主办方澳大利亚游艇会(CruisingYacht Club of Australia,CYCA)主席约翰.马克思先生、CEO凯伦.克雷格女士携令众航海人垂涎的赛事奖杯—塔特莎杯(Tattersall Cup)造访上海美帆游艇俱乐部,澳大利亚灯塔体育创始人陈煜华女士随同。

On 27th April,the President John Markos,CEO Karen Grega of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia(the Organizer of the Syney Hobert Yacht Race) along with the famous cup——Tattersall Cup and the founder of the Lighthouse Sports——Yuhua Xu visited SYC.

(塔特莎杯 Tattersall Cup

悉尼霍巴特帆船赛(Sydney Hobert Yacht Race,1945年第一次举办以来,至今年已经是第72届,2002年劳力士取得该赛事的冠名权。在72年的发展中,霍巴特帆船赛已经逐渐发展成为世界最富盛名也是最具挑战性的帆船赛事之一,与在北欧的大西洋海岸举行的劳力士法斯特耐特帆船赛(Rolex Fastnet Race)和纽波特至百慕大帆船赛(NewportBermuda Race)并称为三大经典离岸帆船赛事。

Until this year ,Sydney Hobert Yacht Race has been held for 72 times.Rolex got the sponsorship right of the race in 2002.During the development of 72 years,Sydney Hobert Yacht Race has became one of the most famous and challenge events,and along with the Rolex Fastnet Race and Newport Bermuda Race on the Atlantic coast of Scandinavia is known as the three classic off-shore sailing events.


The president John Markos and their team had a formal communication with the delegation of the SYC.The president John Markos introduced the CYCA and exchanged the operations experience with SYC.And then ,he gave us a excellent presentation on the Sydney Hobert Yacht Race ,the presentation fully described the charm of the event.In addition,CYCA and SYC went on the further communication on the young overseas training, sailing events and sailing club management etc.


In the future,the CYCA and SYC will work together on the development of sailing and the culture behind it and will enhance the interaction and exchange in sailing events and youth training.