What is the meaning of living in a big city? To find a shortcut to success? This is the answer to most urbanites. We live in a time when we are struggling to pursue our dreams: to travel all corners of the city, toasting in social venues, or to share an inspirational speech on an important occasion. It may be tempting to live in a city like this, but when everything is calm, ask yourself, when was the last time you looked up at the sky? Do you catch birds out of the window? Did you give your loved one a hug? Challenges and opportunities, desires and greed, floating in the city of the sea, do we lose ourselves, forget the initial heart? Unconsciously, our souls wander aimlessly with the body. To make matters worse, we are destroying our natural environment on a massive scale, and we are unaware of it.
答案是肯定的!6月9号,美帆将请来Andy Couturier为大家分享他的新书《The Abundance of Less: Lessons in Simple Living from Rural Japan》,他将为大家分享他对简朴生活的认知,以及对现代生活的思考。本次演讲和问答环节也许能为身在繁忙都市的你提供一种看待生活的另一种视角。
So how to find the balance between life and work? How to give the soul its vitality? Is it possible to provide a safe haven for your body and soul to survive, grow, and find its meaning? Do we still have time to change the fate of the planet? The answer is yes! On June 9, SYC will invite Andy Couturier to share his new book, The Abundance of less: Lessons in Simple Living from Rural Japan, to share his knowledge of simple life and his thoughts on modern life. This presentation and Q & A session may give you a different view of life in a busy city.
中文翻译为《简朴的广度》,也译作《少即是多》,是一本关于慢生活的哲学之作,引导读者再次去探索生活的意义。 作者讲述了他所遇到的十位日本农村村民的真实故事,分享了他们对物质、金钱、时间、工作、艺术、人和自然的关系的理解。十位主角用心去探寻十种不同的日本农村简单生活,同时印证了他们日常生活中的“正念”。"正念"在2014年的时代杂志中被定义为当今具有革命意义的社会运动。
This book is a philosophical work on slow life, which leads readers to explore the meaning of life again. The author tells the true story of ten rural Japanese villagers he met and shared their understanding of the relationship between material, money, time, work, art, man and nature. The ten protagonists sought to explore ten different types of simple life in rural Japan and confirmed their mindfulness in their daily lives. Mindfulness is defined in Time magazine in 2014 as a revolutionary social movement today.
Andy Couturier是美国两本书的作者,他写了《打开心灵:利用潜意识自由写作》和《另一种不同的奢侈品:日本的简单生活和内心丰富的课程》。新出版的《少即是多》是他以前作品的修订和更新版。他是创意写作中心《The Opening》的创始人和创意总监。他所写有关与生态,可持续生活,以及核能固有的问题的出现与《日本时报》、《北美评论》、《广告克星》、《京都日报》、《奥克兰论坛报》和《创意非小说》。
Andy Couturier, author of two American books, "opening the mind: writing with subconscious Freedom" and "A different luxury: the simple Life and Innermost lessons in Japan." The new publication, "The abundance of less", is a revised and updated version of his previous work. He is the founder and creative director of the Creative Writing Center, The Opening. He wrote about the problems inherent in ecology, sustainable life, and nuclear power, and other books and magzines.
书中的每一个章节对每个人与作者的关系,各自的家庭和见面的地点都有详细的描述,无不反映 出每个人独特的身世,生活哲学,精神信仰以及现有的生活方式。当叙述每一个故事时, Couturier都会谦逊、柔和、敏感地从生活最根本的东西来玩味每个人对如金钱,时间,工作,艺术,音 乐,食物,以及家庭的看法,从而探查他们具有的精神品质,不过这可不是什么“换灯泡” 式的“伪生态精 神”行为。Couturier通过这种方式撰写了这部哲学必修书,给那些想要追求本真、可持续和创意生活的 人。
Each chapter in the book describes the relationship between each person and the author, the family and the place of the meeting. It does reflect the unique life of each person, the philosophy of life, the spiritual belief, and the existing way of life. When each story is narrated, Couturier will humbly, softly to explore the spiritual qualities of each person, such as money, time, work, art, music, food, and family.
Since its founding, SYC has been adhering to the development concept of "low-carbon sustainability, integration into nature". Our members come from different countries and have different backgrounds, but they all recognize and promote this idea.
Since its founding, SYC has been adhering to the development concept of "low-carbon sustainability, integration into nature". Our members come from different countries and have different backgrounds, but they all recognize and promote this idea.
6月9号17:00在俱乐部一楼大厅,欢迎会员朋友免费参与Andy Couturier的演讲分享和问答环节,到时肯定会碰撞出很精彩的思维火花。
At 17:00 on the first floor of club house, members are welcome to participate in Andy Couturier's lecture sharing and Q&A sessions for free.